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acupuncture & functional medicine


Functional Medicine

Functional medicine treats the root cause of disease, not the symptoms.

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Acupuncture stimulates your body’s innate healing mechanisms.

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Classes & workshops

Learn about functional medicine, nutrition and self-care.

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functional medicine

is functional medicine for you?

principles of functional medicine

  • Collaborative relationship with your practitioner and the natural rhymes of life

  • Food first approach

  • Focus on modifiable lifestyle factors like sleep, movement, nutrition and stress management.

  • Pharmaceutical free approach

  • Using a wide range of tools from biology, genetics, social, environmental and the connection between physical and mental health

common concerns for choosing functional medicine

  • GI symptoms like IBS, unexplained bloating, constipation 

  • Reproductive and fertility concerns like trouble conceiving, conceiving after 35, perimenopause and menopause

  • Autoimmune conditions like Lyme, Lupus, Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Hashimoto’s

  • Migraines, Anxiety, Depression and ADHD

  • Optimizing athletic performance

  • Longevity goals


how can acupuncture help you?

Acupuncture reminds your body how to rest and restore, facilitating the “rest and digest” response where healing occurs. 

I’ve learned to help others through helping myself. I’ve used acupuncture and natural methods to overcome severe pain from multiple car accidents, a skin condition that didn’t respond to western medicine and to manage bouts of anxiety and depression.

I can help you do that. 

Healing is cyclical; there’s no destination and there’s no timeline. I’m a lifetime patient of this medicine. I receive acupuncture treatments regularly but I turn to it more frequently when my body is in pain or when my health need support through challenging life events.
