Policies and practices

  • Payment options

    Functional medicine services are self pay and out of pocket, including lab tests.

    For acupuncture treatments, if your insurance plan has coverage, I can give you a coded receipt to submit for reimbursement.

    Payment plans can be arranged prior to your appointment. A limited number of subsidized treatments are available. Those who are able can contribute to off-setting the cost of subsidized treatments here.

  • Care principles

    My practice is trauma informed and patient driven. That means you can expect to feel seen, heard, respected and supported in our work together. If you are local and opt for an in-person appointment, my office has accessible parking, bathrooms and hallways.

    I do not have an Amazon storefront; I use a small, reliable and trustworthy online dispensary called Fullscript. When you purchase from my Fullscript dispensary, I get a small percentage of what you spend.

    My approach is centered around lifestyle counseling. I cannot and do not prescribe pharmaceuticals or make medical diagnoses. Working with me is not a replacement for primary care and/or specialists.

  • Cancellations and refunds

    My cancellation policy is designed to be flexible and fair while reducing no-shows.

    A small deposit is required to schedule new patient appointments. The deposit can be transferred if rescheduling and is not refundable for cancellations made under 48 hours.

    Cancellations for existing patients appointments are accepted 24 hours prior to appointments with no fee due. Same day cancellation fees are the full fee of the appointment and will be collected via invoice.

  • Social media

    I prefer to spend my time working with patients and learning rather than making and editing videos for various social media platforms.

    As a solopreneur, my time and focus are spent on what I love doing most, working one-on-one with patients and the day-to-day tasks of running a business.

    Because of this, my business runs solely on word of mouth referrals. There’s no higher compliment than a patient sharing their success and enthusiasm for my work with their friends and family.