Frequently asked questions

Functional Medicine FAQ

Can I work with you remotely?

Functional Medicine appointments are available via telehealth for anyone in Florida. 

Can you help my condition?

Yes! Make an appointment for a Meet and Greet so we can discuss the specifics of your case and your treatment options.

Can you prescribe medications?

No. I use lifestyle coaching, herbal medicine, dietary recommendation and nutraceuticals when working with patients. I use a 100% non-pharmaceutical approach.

Can you diagnose me?

No. I am not a medical doctor and can not and will not diagnose you. 

Acupuncture FAQ

What does acupuncture feel like?

The sensation of acupuncture can feel like a mosquito bite and lasts for a second or two. I’m experienced with working with folks who are apprehensive; most people are underwhelmed by the process.

can you help my condition?

I have helped people with auto-immune conditions, pain, anxiety, fertility challenges, skin disorders, migraines, asthma, insomnia, fatigue, digestive problems, smoking cessation and many other issues. If you still aren’t sure if acupuncture can help you, please contact me to arrange a consultation.

Do you do work with children?

Yes! There are many needle-free options for working with kids. Reach out for specifics on how you’re kiddo can benefit. 

Other questions?

Check out my Policies and Practices page for more information.