Hi, I’m Mindy de Wilde, L.Ac, IFMCP

I started de Wilde Natural Medicine to help my fellow Floridians live their most vibrant lives. 

If you are not getting the results you want and deserve within the western medical industrial complex, if you’re frustrated by the lack of individualized care and the depersonalization of health care today, if you know you could feel better, you’re tired of being tired, you’ve been told “your results are normal” or “we can’t help you” but you know something isn’t right, if you want a supportive, experienced guide on your health journey, if you’re ready to make a change, I am here for you.

  • I grew up in North-Central Florida and always knew I wanted to be in the healing professions. At 23, I studied at the Florida School of Massage. At the time, I faced two challenging health concerns: persistent, severe muscular-skeletal pain from multiple car accidents and an ongoing skin condition that didn’t respond to allopathic, western medicine. I chose to see an acupuncturist, and that decision changed the rest of my life.

    Through working with her, my pain subsided and my skin cleared. I felt calmer and had more energy, all from acupuncture treatments, herbal medicine, nutrition and lifestyle changes. I was so transformed, I decided to go to acupuncture school.

    After receiving my bachelors degree in Health Science from The University of Florida, I attended The Academy of Five Element Acupuncture to study acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. I quickly began working in private practice, and after five years, I began teaching acupuncture and herbal medicine and supervising students in their internship.

    In 2020, Covid provided me with the opportunity to learn new ways to work with patients, so I became a certified practitioner of functional medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine , integrating TeleMed into my services.

As an Acupuncture Physician and Functional Medicine Practitioner, I can not and will not give you a medical diagnosis or prescribe pharmaceuticals. While I am not anti-pharmaceutical, I’m here to offer additional and alternative options to pharmaceutical medications for those who want to know all their choices and who prefer for a holistic approach. 

What I can and will do is walk with you, step-by-step, towards your health goals. I will guide you to proper testing lifestyle improvements, food first solutions and nutritional and herbal supplementations. I use these tools with my understanding of Chinese medicine to craft a unique, custom care plan for you and your individual needs and goals, including all areas of life.

My Approach

Traditional western medicine overlooks the root cause of many diseases, relies on standard blood tests with very wide ranges of “normal” (read more here) and has little to offer to those suffering from autoimmune and chronic conditions like Lupus and Lyme.

As an acupuncturist, I’ve worked in a brick and mortar, private practice for almost 15 years. I’ve helped people walk again after a stroke, clear up sinus infections without antibiotics, relieve years of pain, improved facial paralysis, ease anxiety and helped women from conception to post-partum. I’m passionate about the body’s ability to restore vitality and function when given supportive conditions.


In my own life, I’m working with a functional medicine practitioner to ease my journey through peri-menopause. I’ve seen improved sleep, energy and mood by lowering my stress levels, using herbal medicine, adjusting my supplementation and by consistent weightlifting. 


I place the highest value on vitality, movement and nature (all the photographs on the site are my own). I call my practice of health care slow medicine. My patients make empowered choices towards their unique goals and create changes that stick. I believe that a dynamic partnership between the patient and practitioner is the lynch pin to results and that collaboration creates a dynamic catalyst for change.